The Vermont Ravens football club, who are members of the New England Football League, have been selected as the Maritime Conference 2019 “Organization of the Year”.
Locally owned by Barre businessmen and former Raven players Jim Buzzi and Scott Vaillancourt the small market team has been trying to keep up with the teams from Mass. and Ct. as best they can. Every year is a challenge to field a team capable of competing, but the Ravens are fortunate to have a solid fan base with a good mix of advertising sales and trade sponsorships that enable the team each year to survive and look to the next both from a competition standpoint and a business standpoint. Having a wonderful volunteer staff is beyond helpful and the community has always embraced the team as their own.
The team’s Board of Directors consist of Jim Buzzi, Clayton Torres, Pete Everett, George Campbell, Dan Winters, Curtis Christiansen, Linda Salmon and Michael Salmon.
This year Vermont lost in the semi-finals to the eventual champions, Ct. Brawlers. Recruitment for 2020 has begun and the team is already planning for the first informational meeting in Feb.